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by so many to so few
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Paul Nash - Raider on the Moors



Image courtesy Ashmolean Museum


For some reason this does not appear in the catalogue of Nash's wartime work though it is definitely by him. It may be one of his earliest as the event depicted occurred on 28th October 1939 – He111 5449 1H + JA of Stab/KG26 from Westerland, Sylt (on the North German coast) was hit by AA fire and then attacked by Spitfires from 602 and 603 Squadrons. It came down east of Humbie in the Lammermuir Hills of Scotland. Gefr. Bruno Reimann and Uffz. Gottlieb Kowalke were killed in the air. Lt. Rolf Niehoff and Uffz. K Lehmkuhl were taken PoW.



Battle of Britain Monument